2023-24 PTO Board Members

President - Kate Venetis

Vice President - Amanda Sharitt

Treasurer - Shanita Pavano

Secretary - Kathryn Brewer

President Duties

-Preside at all meetings of the PTO
-Be a member ex-officio of all committees
-Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTO
-Train new officers and committee leads
-Oversee the requirements of other positions are being met
-Approve and make purchases as required for programs and events
-Coordinate all plans with the school administration
-Review the budget   monthly with Treasurer
-Stay in regular communication with other board members and committee/team  leads

Vice President Duties

-Act as an aide to the president
-Perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to   serve in their designated capacity
-Assist in the management and oversight of committees and events
-Stay in regular contact with committee/team leads
-Participate in board meetings and provide input for planning and decisions

Treasurer Duties

-Maintain custody  of the accounting  of  the PTO
-Keep a full and accurate account of the receipts and expenditures
-Present a financial overview at every meeting
-File  reports & forms  with  appropriate authorities
-Maintain the annual budget of the PTO  including committees and events
-Make disbursements as authorized by the President
-Submit hard copies of monthly reports to be kept on file at the school

Secretary Duties

-Must attend board and general PTO meetings  to present and record the meeting minutes
-Maintain a record of all current members and provide such prior to each general meeting
-Communicate with board members and committee/team leads to create meeting agendas 
-Maintain a calendar of school  and PTO events to prevent scheduling conflicts
-Maintain PTO archive files located at the school
-Coordinate the filling of temporary volunteer assignments 
-Coordinate with school staff to obtain translated versions of forms/flyers